The purpose of the program
The mentoring program is adapted for children who need individual support from an adult. The goal is to help them become strong, independent and confident individuals. The mentor serves as an example, teaches valuable skills, promotes development, and helps them solve problems and make decisions.
Brief description of the program
The mentoring program is based on personal and long-term interaction between the mentor and the child. This means that the mentor takes the time to establish a personal connection with the child and provides individualized attention and support. The interaction between the mentor and the child can take place in person or through social media.
Mentoring can have different aspects. For example, assistance with studying or choosing a future profession, development of social skills, and support in building a personal life. The program can be specialized in a particular area, such as mentoring in science or sports, or it can be general and cover various aspects of a child's life.
Program objectives
Development of communication skills. A mentor is someone who really knows how to communicate well. They know how to understand the intricacies of communication. With him, the child will learn to fully immerse himself in the conversation and find a common language with each person.
Motivation to learn. The mentor will support the child at every step of the way, help them prepare for tests and exams, and plan their time well. He will share his experience and show how to make learning interesting and effective.
Emotional support. A mentor is a true friend who will always be there to help a child through mood and psychological changes in an environmentally friendly way. It is important for teenagers to have someone who helps and supports them in difficult situations.
Choosing a future profession. A mentor can help a child choose a profession that matches his or her abilities and interests.